2019 included several NEW things for PPNA, the biggest being our Culinary Arts Show, rebranded as the Powderhorn Food Festival for 2020.
We met some amazing culinary artists, made some excellent connections with restaurant professionals, and had a beautiful, sunny event on October 19th. Not only was there delicious food, but you could also find beer, liqour samples, music, photo booths, vendors, and even alpacas!
In 2020, we're looking forward to expanding our Powderhorn Food Festival to include more culinary artists, more food, and more community members! Keep an eye out for our Oct 2020 2nd Annual Powderhorn Food Festival, and be ready to try tons of delicious food and beer!
To help ensure that our 2020 Food Festival is a huge success and brings community members together from across Minneapolis, donate to PPNA at ppna.org/donate, or purchase a Mission Ticket for the event here.