PPNA's collaborative approach to advancing community well-being in and around Powderhorn focuses on environmental justice, equitable development, housing justice, and holistic safety. Check out the progress we've made in the second quarter of 2023 and ways you can get involved!

Environmental Justice
This summer we continued our partnership with Evie and HOUR Car to make carsharing more accessible in the Twin Cities. We also connected with you through our four monthly EJ sessions! At these, we collaborated with community members to identify needs, share our action items and plans with community members, and plant the PPNA Minneapolis Edible Boulevards garden at 35th and Elliott. Email Justice@PPNA.org to get involved!
Equitable Development
38th Street United (38SU for short!) is a coalition of organizations, businesses, and individuals who are long-time champions of a thriving, well-resourced, and equitable 38th Street cultural corridor. The last few months, we have explored ways to support this work more effectively. We applied for resources to add needed staff capacity and drive our work to secure investments for the community. To learn more, sign up here for our monthly email updates!
Housing Justice
We are pleased to announce that the Renter Support Fund is open again, as we met our initial fundraising goal! Our abundant gratitude to all who donated, volunteered, or spread the word. We couldn't have done it without you!
Unfortunately, funds are still extremely limited and we are only able to support 1-5% of all renters who apply.
Donate here to help more of your renter neighbors stay in their homes, now and in the future! If you are a Minneapolis renter, learn more and apply here.
Livability & Safety
Through the We Keep Us Safe survey, which we shared this spring, we asked the community: When have you experienced violence or felt afraid? What resources helped? In total, we received 35 responses. While not representative of everyone's experiences, these insights will help us understand what resources are trusted and what resources may be missing. Sign up for our emails here and expect a summary and recap from us in September! To those who opened up about your experiences, you have our gratitude.