The City of Minneapolis has released several updates pertaining to next steps for 38th & Chicago, and their plans to maintain community safety during the trial of former MPD officer Derek Chauvin. Check out the summaries and links to more information below.
38th & Chicago Next Steps
Public works will be disseminating a survey to businesses and residents surrounding 38th & Chicago to gauge their preference of two options to ‘reconnect’ the intersection.
The intersection at 38th and Chicago will remain closed to vehicle traffic until the trial's conclusion. Frey assured neighborhood residents and businesses that the city will continue to provide public safety and municipal services.
The City has pledged more than $10.5 million in funding that is eligible for supporting racial healing in the 38th & Chicago area and has committed to several important initiatives to advance racial justice, including adopting a truth and reconciliation process with the ultimate objective of implementing specific solutions to specific harms that have created and perpetuate racial disparities.
Community Safety During The Trial Of Derek Chauvin
In a set of press conferences on February 17th, the City of Minneapolis laid out its plans to retain community safety throughout the trial of former MPD officer Derek Chauvin, slated to begin on March 8th.
Key information from these press conferences includes;
The City and law enforcement are not aware of any groups planning to cause disruption or damage during the trial.
Mayor Frey expressed that the goal of the City is to allow activists and demonstrators to safely express their first amendment rights while maintaining safety and order.
There will be a multi-jurisdictional approach to retaining safety and communicating with the public. This includes local and state law enforcement. There will be an increase in officers patrolling Minneapolis.
Gov. Tim Walz has already authorized the Minnesota National Guard to provide "public safety assistance" in Minneapolis and St. Paul during the trials
As part of Operation Safety Net, resources have been secured or expanded to; Protect property (i.e. commercial corridors) and critical infrastructure (i.e. government buildings and police precincts) / Ensure adequate fire, EMS, and police personnel / Traffic Control to ensure the safety of pedestrians and drivers
Resources have also be secured to respond to various unsafe situations through Mobile response, Bicycles Response, Quick Reaction, S.W.A.T., Booking and Processing, and Bomb Detection/Response teams
There will be disruption to traffic, both vehicle and mass transit during the trial
Local law enforcement laid out ‘encouraged’ activity and ‘unlawful’ activity.
They encourage people to assemble, march, make your voice heard, exercise your constitutional rights, have a presence in public areas, make signs and other peaceful expressions, and assemble in designated areas.
They discourage unlawful activities including; protesting on or entering a freeway (as a pedestrian), throwing objects, setting fires, damaging property, using illegal fireworks, displaying or using illegal weapons, reckless driving, or assaultive or riotous activities towards anyone
PPNA will watch for and share information as it becomes available about 38th & Chicago and throughout the trial of Derek Chauvin.