Hennepin County is seeking feedback on two plans that guide the use of funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for affordable housing and community development in suburban cities:
The 2020-2024 draft five-year consolidated plan sets high-level goals and priorities to guide the use of an estimated $20 million in federal funds for affordable housing and community development over the next five years.
The draft 2020 housing and community development action plan shows specifically how Hennepin County and partner cities plan to use approximately $5 million in federal funds on affordable housing and community development projects over the coming year.
Comment on the draft plans
Public hearing April 14
Hennepin County will host a public hearing to gather comments and feedback on both draft plans:
Tuesday, April 14 1:30 p.m. Minneapolis, MN 55487 Due to COVID-19, this public hearing will be hosted virtually. Log in using this web address: https://hc.adobeconnect.com/hcb/
If you need help, such as a language interpreter, to participate in the public hearing, please call 612-543-4342 at least three days prior to the hearing to request services.
Submit written comments by May 8
You may also submit written comments on the plans, due by 4:30 p.m. on May 8.
Send written comments to:
Julia Welle Ayres Hennepin County 701 4th Avenue South, Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55415
Or email comments to Julia.WelleAyres@hennepin.us.