Need help with rent, utilities, mortgage payments, and more? Check out this list of active resources to assist you and share it with others who may need help.
Hennepin County Emergency Assistance - many other programs require that you try Hennepin County first, so we recommend you apply as soon as possible
Renter's Support Fund - apply to this fund for three months of financial help with rent, utilities, or other expenses.
Align Emergency Rental Assistance - Minneapolis Residents, need denial from Hennepin County
Cradle of Hope - emergency assistance for brand new mothers (pregnant - child under 4 months old)
Salvation Army - funding for households with children, first come first serve
Mutual Aid Networks - try FB groups or places like Women For Political Change, Black Visions
Bridges Rental Assistance For low-income people with mental illness
Learn about mortgage relief options and protections here.
Department of Commerce Energy Assistance Program
Comcast - Comcast is opening its Xfinity Wi-Fi Network nationally for free, connecting low-income families to free internet to support them with distance learning during school closures.
Emergency food support. Information from the Department of Human Services on emergency food support options for all Minnesotans.
Free Meals for Kids app. The Minnesota Department of Education is partnering with Hunger Impact Partners to help students find free, nutritious school meals at nearly 400 schools and other sites around the state through the pandemic and recovery.
Bridge to Benefits. This web-based screening tool can help you identify if you're eligible for public works programs, including SNAP, WIC, School Meal Program, Minnesota Health Care Programs, Energy Assistance, and Child Care Assistance.
ApplyMN. This web application can connect you with state and county services to help meet your and your family's basic needs. Use it to apply for cash assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, child care assistance, and Emergency Assistance. Call 651-431-4000 for questions.
*This list was updated on December 11th, 2020.