Of all the Part 1 and 2 crimes (those are more serious crimes that involve property damage or violence) in Minneapolis in 2019, 18.3% of those crimes occurred in the 11 neighborhoods of South Minneapolis. South Minneapolis neighborhoods experience 45% more crime than the city average, or, on average, 219 more crimes a year than other neighborhoods in the city. This is especially concentrated in Central, Phillips East, Midtown Phillips, Powderhorn Park, Whittier and Lyndale neighborhoods.
The 2020 Hennepin County Budget spends $104.45 per capita on Community Corrections and Rehabilitation, but only $63.98 per capita on all public health programming, including mental health, chemical health, and physical health. This reflects long-term system bias toward investing more deeply in punitive vs. preventive measures. Our communities need resources to move beyond reactionary measures to public safety and livability concerns with sufficient and equitable investments in prevention.
National studies indicate that 67% of persons jailed have markers for any form of mental illness. Further, 40% of those jailed self-report being homeless at some point within the past three years. Without proper resources to address the need for affordable and accessible housing for all throughout Minneapolis, this will continue to limit paths for all communities to thrive.
To increase access to services for people experiencing hardships and reduce criminal occurrences, PPNA calls for the City of Minneapolis to establish a livability and safety fund with an annual minimum of $10 million. These resources will support areas across the city with similar livability and safety disparities as described above and focus on system changes to further support inclusion, outreach, and connecting vulnerable populations to resources. Specific resources include expanding access to public restrooms, hygiene care, cultural and situational outreach, health and human services, and seasonal street activation. These actions connect to one of three pillars within PPNA’s Resource-Centered Platform to raise awareness, concern, and action for more community resources.