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Community Survey Results: George Floyd Memorial

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

PPNA organized a series of Town Halls and conducted a survey to gather community input on the George Floyd Memorial from June 27th to July 8th, 2020. These efforts captured 133 voices, 75% of whom reside in Bancroft, Bryant, Central, or Powderhorn Park neighborhoods.

Here are some highlights from the results:

  • 90% support taking steps to preserve memorial in the current location.

  • 72% support beginning a process of preserving memorial offerings at a new location until a decision is made about a permanent memorial

  • 22% support leaving the memorial as is and taking no additional steps to preserve it

Read the full survey results report here.

UPDATE [August 17th, 2020}: The City is committed to taking action to support and invest in racial justice and healing in the area of 38th & Chicago. City leaders have met with community leaders who have authored a racial justice resolution outlining a series of demands for the City to consider before barricades would be removed from the intersection.

While City staff and elected officials have had conversations with community about a potential phased reopening plan for 38th Street the week of Aug. 17, those plans are on hold to allow for continued discussions with community members. Read the update from the City of Minneapolis here.

ORIGINAL INFORMATION: The City of Minneapolis has announced plans to start reopening the intersection of 38th & Chicago the week of August 17th, 2020. Read more about it in a Star Tribune article here. PPNA is aware that a wide range of community sentiments exist around this step. This includes those that support this direction and those who are opposed. Some members who oppose this action have devised and shared a list of demands calling for steps toward justice prior to the reopening of the intersection. You can review these details here.



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