PPNA is seeking wide-scale community input on community safety, policing, equitable development, and housing justice. This input will inform our upcoming advocacy work. Actions that could grow from this work include, but are not limited to, campaigns aimed toward elected officials, research and reporting on data-driven solutions, fundraising, and future programming of PPNA.
At PPNA, we're mission bound to capture a diversity of voices and welcome viewpoints of everyone, especially our members who live, work or own property in Powderhorn Park Neighborhood.
Opportunities To Engage
A team of volunteer canvassers will be going out into the community to collect input through surveys. Stay tuned for an announcement of when canvassers will be hitting your block!
PPNA staff is running focus groups with area block clubs. You can register your block club here to be included. Please note, due to capacity, we may not be able to engage with every block club that registers this way, but we will connect with you to collect your feedback at a minimum.
An online survey will be released this month. Stay tuned to take part in the survey.