From the City of Minneapolis Amending Title 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances related to the Zoning Code, as follows: Chapter 520 Introductory Provisions Chapter 525 Administration and Enforcement Chapter 527 Planned Unit Development Chapter 530 Site Plan Review Chapter 531 Nonconforming Uses and Structures Chapter 535 Regulations of General Applicability Chapter 536 Specific Development Standards Chapter 537 Accessory Uses and Structures Chapter 541 Off-Street Parking and Loading Chapter 546 Residence Districts Chapter 547 Office Residence Districts Chapter 548 Commercial Districts Chapter 549 Downtown Districts Chapter 550 Industrial Districts Chapter 551 Overlay Districts
The purpose of the amendment is to adopt a regulatory framework to allow for new — and to better regulate existing — rooming houses, single room occupancy units and congregate living facilities. The City Planning Commission will meet on Monday, June 14, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. During the declared local public health emergency, Minneapolis has transitioned to an electronic format for its public meetings and hearings, authorized under Minn. Stat. Section 13D.021, to minimize the risk of exposure to or potential spread of COVID-19. The public may view the public hearing using the following options: Watch on Comcast Channel 14 or 799 or live on If you have questions about the project, please contact one of the City staff people listed below. If you would like to submit comments, you may submit them via the link above or by emailing: Amber Turnquest, Principal City Planner, 612-352-6047, Jason Wittenberg, Planning Manager, 612-673-2297, Planning Department staff will issue a recommendation to the Planning Commission. After hearing from the public, the Planning Commission will make a determination based on required legal findings of fact. Please visit for the agenda with staff reports (web page will be updated by the end of the day Wednesday prior to the meeting date). For reasonable accommodations or alternative formats please contact 612-673-3710. People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to call 311 at 612-673-3000. TTY users call 612-673-2157 or 612-673-2626. Attention: Para asistencia 612-673-2700 - Rau kev pab 612-673-2800 - Hadii aad Caawimaad u baahantahay 612-673-3500.