Election Day is just around the corner! Check out this round-up of important information pertaining to voting this year and some changes that we can expect due to COVID-19.
Remember to vote on August 11th, 2020 in the Primary Election and November 3rd in the General/Presidential Election!
Absentee Voting
Getting your ballot for the Presidential Election, learn about submitting your ballot (deadline for primary election submissions is August 11th, 2020) and more here.
Agent Delivery: If you live in a nursing home, are hospitalized, or cannot go vote in person for other reasons, you can have an 'Agent' deliver your ballot. Read more and complete the necessary paperwork here.
Drop off your ballot at the Early Vote Center: With less than a week before the Aug. 11 primary, the City recommends ballots not be mailed back because they may not be delivered in time to be counted. Instead, mail ballots may be dropped off at Minneapolis Elections & Voter Services' Early Vote Center, 980 E. Hennepin Ave., from now until 3 p.m. on the day of the primary. At the Early Vote Center building. A new ballot drive-, roll- or walk-through service will be available starting Friday, Aug. 7. See calendar with daily schedule. Minneapolis voters may also return their ballot to the Hennepin County Government Center building at skyway level at 300 South 6th St., Minneapolis. See Government Center ballot drop-off hours.
Voting In-Person
Voters planning to vote in person at your polling place on election day will need to be prepared to follow COVID-19 requirements and guidance.
Voters must:
Wear a mask or face covering
Stay 6 feet away from other voters and election judges
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer after dealing with election judges or touching any voting equipment
Election judges must:
Wear a mask or face covering
Stay 6 feet away from each other and voters
Frequently wash and sanitize their hands following CDC hand-washing guidelines
Frequently disinfect surfaces that election judges and voters touch using CDC and EPA-approved disinfectant.