PPNA's collaborative approach to advancing community well-being in and around Powderhorn focuses on environmental justice, equitable development, housing justice, livability, and safety.
Photo Credit: Brianne Bilyeu

Building capacity to support Environmental Justice
PPNA's work in the environmental justice space is aimed to address environmental disparities and harms through collaborative problem-solving in areas like transportation, manufacturing, and energy access.
EJ Hero Highlight
Community Members for Environmental Justice was created as a means of combatting environmental racism in North Minneapolis. Roxxanne says that she found herself in spaces where she was learning about the environmental impact of major polluters on the Northside and it made her angry, made her want to do something about it. Thus CMEJ was formed.
Community Members for Environmental Justice (CMEJ) is a coalition of caring community members, mothers, and youth who are committed to addressing the environmental injustices occurring disproportionately in pollution-burdened neighborhoods in the City of Minneapolis.
You can learn more about them by visiting our BLOG or their website cmejustice.org
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Community Voices Should Shape Development
PPNA advocates for policies and practices that support community engagement in development, investment in community-based economic growth, support for small businesses, and accessible resources.
Fast Facts
New research from the Minneapolis Federal Reserve confirms what many already know: that neighborhoods where a majority of residents are people of color are more likely to be denied access to credit based on credit score. PPNA believes development should reflect and be shaped by the voices and values of the community. Things like access to credit and flexible capital can help community developers bring community-based projects to life.

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Housing is a Human Right!
PPNA advocates for policies and resources that support stable, high-quality, and safe housing for all. Our program, the Renter Support Fund, serves as a way that we support Renters in Minneapolis through direct cash assistance (donate here so we to fund the program in 2023!).
Fast Facts
As of July 2022, there are no vacant rental units in Minneapolis affordable to those who earn 30% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI). In Powderhorn Park, 41.2% of renter households are cost-burdened, meaning they spend more than they can afford on housing costs.
Evictions have spiked since June 2022, when the final restrictions under Minnesota’s eviction moratorium ended. With no additional state funding for rental assistance, renters across Minnesota are struggling to pay off $144,700,000 in rent debt.
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It's time we stop talking and start doing.
PPNA advocates for policies and resources that support holistic safety reform and a healthy community.
Fast Facts
Cities across the United States have experienced an increase in community violence since the start of COVID-19. This year, violent crime levels in Minneapolis are 27.6% higher than they were in 2019.
Gun violence continues to affect the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood, which in 2022 has had the sixth-highest rate of gunshot wound victims in the city. Yet increased investments in reactive safety measures has not proven to be effective in substantially reducing gun violence.

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